"La luz de una linterna pone en evidencia la
oscuridad de un espacio que se adivina amplio y laberíntico. Hombres
uniformados caminan, ordenan y apilan cajas, suben y bajan escaleras. Sobre
imágenes dignas de un policial, una poética voz enuncia títulos que organizan
fichas y números que categorizan carpetas. En este intrigante cortometraje
observacional, la particular mirada de Estrella Herrera y Celeste Rojas hace de
una tarea práctica y burocrática un universo fascinante, abriendo preguntas en
torno al aspecto tangible de la historia de nuestro país y a la espacialidad de
la memoria."
Celina Wolffelt
Recorrido instalativo: Estrella Herrera y Agustina Triquell.
Realización audiovisual y cámara: Estrella Herrera y Celeste Rojas Mugica.
Montaje: Celeste Rojas Mugica
Música original: Violeta García
Post producción de sonido: Rodrigo Merolla
Corrección de color: Juan Pablo Tristán
Celina Wolffelt
Recorrido instalativo: Estrella Herrera y Agustina Triquell.
Realización audiovisual y cámara: Estrella Herrera y Celeste Rojas Mugica.
Montaje: Celeste Rojas Mugica
Música original: Violeta García
Post producción de sonido: Rodrigo Merolla
Corrección de color: Juan Pablo Tristán

In an early twentieth century building located in the heart of downtown Buenos Aires, the old Archive of the Argentine Nation was housed. Initially built to be a bank, the building kept behind the armored doors of the vaults the written documents, photographs, videos and audios of centuries of the history of a country. In 2021 the archive started moving and undertook a moving process. Its workers packed the heritage in numerous boxes. In collaboration with the Argentine army, successive trips were made to move this material memory of the nation to its new destination.
"The light of a lantern highlights the darkness of a space that is
The light of a lantern reveals the darkness of a space that seems vast and labyrinthine. Uniformed men walk, arrange and stack boxes, go up and down stairs. On images worthy of a detective story, a poetic voice enunciates titles that organize files and numbers
and numbers that categorize folders. In this intriguing observational short film
observational short film, the particular gaze of Estrella Herrera and Celeste Rojas makes a practical and bureaucratic a practical and bureaucratic task a fascinating universe, opening questions around the tangible aspect of th the tangible aspect of our country's history and the spatiality of memory."
Celina Wolffelt
"The light of a lantern highlights the darkness of a space that is
The light of a lantern reveals the darkness of a space that seems vast and labyrinthine. Uniformed men walk, arrange and stack boxes, go up and down stairs. On images worthy of a detective story, a poetic voice enunciates titles that organize files and numbers
and numbers that categorize folders. In this intriguing observational short film
observational short film, the particular gaze of Estrella Herrera and Celeste Rojas makes a practical and bureaucratic a practical and bureaucratic task a fascinating universe, opening questions around the tangible aspect of th the tangible aspect of our country's history and the spatiality of memory."
Celina Wolffelt